Btrieve Commander |
Btrieve Commander is a Btrieve file viewer / editor for OS/2, Win32 and DOS.
Feature suggestions, bug reports or any other kind of feedback can be sent to Brian Havard.
Download current code for
| Last updated
| Size
OS/2 |
08 Jan 2025 04:18PM |
95K |
Win32 |
08 Jan 2025 04:18PM |
111K |
08 Jan 2025 04:18PM |
120K |
- An appropriate Btrieve record manager installed and working. Btrieve version 6.0 or higher required for full functionality.
Btrieve is now part of Pervasive SQL.
- Data dictionary files (DDFs) that describe the files you want to access.
Btrieve Commander is Shareware which means you can use it for a limited time for free for the purpose of evaluation.
If you decide you want to continue using it you must pay for it by registering. Licences cost US$79 per user.
Register Btrieve Commander at BMT Micro
See also
Feature Summary
- Main View
- The primary view is that of a list of records, one per line, similar to a spreadsheet view.
The list can be scrolled both horizontally and vertically if there are more records / fields than will fit on the screen.
A cursor bar indicates the current record.
- Record View
- Allows viewing and editing of an existing or new record. Data is viewed in a scrolling list, one field per line.
- Restricting records
- The records shown in the main view can be limited by either a key range on the currently selected index or by a free form
logical expression.
- Calculate Totals
- The totals for all numeric fields, including calculated fields, can be calculated based on the current record restrictions with a single keystroke.
- Import and Export of records
- Records can be imported from or exported to either a comma separated values file (CSV) or the raw format used by the BUTIL utility's save function.
- Modify all records
- One or more fields in all records meeting the current record restrictions can be modified to either a constant value or
to a value calculated from fields in the same record.
- Deleting records
- The current record or all records meeting the current record restrictions can be deleted.
- Join to other files
- Join to other files can be created allowing data in related files to be displayed, exported, totaled, used in calculations or in record filters.
- Save / Load view
- The current set of options (restrictions, calculated fields, field customization) can be saved for later re-use.
- Expression evaluator
- The built in expression evaluator is used for calculated fields, record restrictions and the Modify all function. It supports
- Field names represent the value of that field in the current record
- Arithmetic operators: + - * / % ( )
- Relational/Equality operators: = != < > <= >=
- Logical operators: & (AND), | (OR), ! (NOT)
- Multiple data types: Integer, Floating point, Boolean, Date, Time
- Constants in any of the supported data types: 42, 62.3, "Hello world!", '1/1/2001'
- Create / Drop Indexes
- Custom indexes can be added for specialized sorting or for optimizing restrictions. Any index can be removed.
- Multi-platform
- Supports OS/2, Win32 and DOS. Use whichever version corresponds to your Btrieve record manager.
- Text mode, small, fast and easy to install
- BTC consists of just one file of around 180kB. Startup is almost instantaneous.
The author, Brian Havard, can be contacted at brian.havard@gmail.com
If there's anything you'd like to see added to this page, please let me know.
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